
Showing posts from 2012

STPM Baharu, First Semester =)

Experience, facts, rumour, pro and cons of Form 6 Hey there! So this basically this article is about some facts, rumour and my experience studying under the new Form 6 system a.k.a STPM Baharu after one semester. This is for those form 5 graduates that are still deciding which pre-u to pursue and of course for those who are keen to find out what is Form 6 all about! *More: what is it to switch from Science Stream to Arts Stream* First of all, some facts about the new modular system of Form 6: Now under the modular system you’ll need to take your major exam at the end of every semester (3 semester in total) instead of the old system that concludes everything in the end of your one and a half years of studies. (Yeah, just like the colleges out there, not much differences) You’ll still follow the school holiday like your juniors. You’ll still need to participate in the 3 bodies of co-curriculum (sports, clubs, uniform body) in your school No particular textb...