Something Personal... =P
Honestly, I would say that you really cannot survive Form 6 without some great bunch of good (and crazy) friends. I have seen other classes that rarely communicate between the males and females, and will automatically into their own work when teacher is not at the class, total silence. Well, I am not saying that this is not a good thing, in fact is a very good effort to excel. But one thing that people need to realize, the people-people communication is a very important 'therapy' in this ever-stressful life. I mean, whats the purpose to complete Form 6 but ended up only making a few friends (or no one at all)? Go socialize, know more people, meet new friends, joke around, CHILLAX! It is like an engine, you cannot let it goes forever right? It needs to stop to prevent them from overheating, and same goes to your life. It is not about STUDYING STUDYING and MORE STUDYING. Will you be happy? Are you happy? Well, that is something to think about. Well, I got this dream in ...