Month of June & July !!
The month of the end of June until July is exceptionally busy. In fact, very,very busy! At last, Rumah Merah got the overall champion after so many years (more than a decade)! Sooooo touched!!! Stayed back almost everyday until 8-9pm for the preparation for my house decoration and the marchers' costumes when Sports Day is around the corner. Last Sports Day in my school-ing life. No regrets. I really love the spirit, the thing I'll remember and cherish forever. O1 Merah! Well, I really hope there are more friends that was by my side when this happened. Time flies, sigh. Still to be able to see Merah getting the champion along with fella juniors was great too =) Next, I participated in the last table tennis competition in my life (perhaps?). I would say that was not a great experience, because table tennis was getting more and more unfamiliar in my life, that I was starting not to enjoy the game already. Don't know why, just........... you know the time to stop w...