
Showing posts from October, 2013


昨晚看了《被偷走的那五年》,结果到最后的时候真的忍不住自己的泪水。哭的,不是因为他们那坎坷得不得了的爱情,而是不小心想起不久前去世的堂弟,在病床躺着那模样,情况真的有点类似。 中六18个月期间,发生了很多东西,学会了很多东西,也留下了一些无法挽回的遗憾。堂弟去世时无法在他的病床旁,算是其中一个遗憾吧。他在病床的模样,跟《被偷走的那五年》最后那个scene差不多,只是他生命最后那刻,我不在。我在补习。 很多很多时候,我憎恨读书,恨它为什么令我错过那么多重要的事情。出殡,我没哭。直到昨晚前,都不曾为这事哭过,因为我选择了逃避。逃避这事实,逃避所有有关这件事的东西。 直到昨晚,哭了。哭到很惨。这件事,压抑在心里很久,很久了。总是觉得自己无法为堂弟做些什么。总是在病痛面前,感到无能。总是在死亡面前,害怕颤抖。 我们不知道身边的朋友、家人、情人几时会离开我们身边,因此在这发生前,请好好地珍惜他们。不要在他们离开我们以后,才留下永远无法挽回的遗憾。不要,千万不要。 无论自己多么的忙、无论自己多么的没时间、无论自己多么的累,请记得: 珍惜身边人。


I have been thinking of writing about this topic for some time, just all the events that happened around me kept this article delayed and at last, today, a few hours after the end of my STPM trials, I can spare some time to sit in front of my laptop and finish up this article! Alright! First of all, STPM and Matrix are basically two of the most common public Pre-U courses in Malaysia. With this, it means that both of them share some similar traits which I'll explain below. But though, when it comes to decide between STPM and Matrix, many students face a hard time because both STPM and Matrix too, have very big difference in many aspects, and the decision-making is getting harder when the new STPM Baharu modular system is introduced due to the lack of info and accurate information. Well, as always, read on with an open mind peeps! Subjects Subjects offered for STPM differed according to the particular school, while for Matrix there are 3 modules for the Science Stream and...