
Showing posts from November, 2013

STPM Baharu: Introduction to the Pre-U of 63,000 Pursuers

I'v e written about my life in all the semesters in STPM, I've written on the comparisons between STPM with A-level and Malaysia Matriculation, and now my Form 6 journey has come to an end, so I've decided to write a full 'review', or you can say a total all-round intro about STPM. OKAY LETS GET STARTED! The Myths  #1 - STPM is crazily tough Truth : Well, I think one major reason why SPM leavers have chosen not to enter Form 6 because almost everyone says that it is hard to get good results in STPM and the TRUTH is: No. STPM is not crazily tough, at least. STPM is kinda special, unlike other Pre-U that always start with all the easy stuffs, STPM starts with all the tough ones first. But it tends to get easier, and you can take my word for it. As an example, Account is one real killer in first semester but it is one must-get 'A' during the second semester. Same for Maths (M) and Maths (T), you get to learn all the differential equation kind of stuf...

STPM Baharu, Third Semester. =)

Wow, honestly, WOW. 18 months of STPM and that is it! The end of the journey! Well, in this post I'll talk about my life in the 3rd semester of this new modular system STPM, read on!  Life in third semester: Third semester of STPM is much, much more packed and intense compared to second semester. It is filled with activities, events, competitions and not to mention books. Oh anyway I received my second semester results during the third semester and I improved slightly (Econs A, Acc A, Maths A-, Pengajian Am B-, Chinese C+) and managed to get a CGPA of 3.59.  Back to my life in third semester, I'm lucky that I got the chance to join many activities such as the Famine 30, my school's table tennis competition and ultimate Frisbee tourney and surprisingly still able to cope with my studies! Not only that, I am lucky that I am able to contribute a little to Rumah Merah during the sports day, and as for my Sixth Form Society, me and my friends organized a orientation d...