STPM Baharu - Retaking, Explained!
Recently I came across a reader's comment in my 'STPM Baharu, Third Semester' article that asked me some questions about retaking : And so, I've decided to write about this issue in this article. #1 - When will you retake your papers? If there are no any big changes this year, Semester 1 & Semester 2 retake papers should be not long after Semester 3 exam. This means that straight after your Semester 3 papers, you'll still need to prepare for retakes. It went on like this for my year : Sem 3 > Sem 1 Retake > Sem 2 Retake. As for Semester 3 retake, it'll be a few weeks after Semester 3 results are out , probably in between March and April after you've graduated from Form 6. #2 - When will you able to know your retake results? For Semester 1 & Semester 2 retake, results will be out not long after you received your Semester 3 results . As for Semester 3 retake, results will be out sometime during the month of Apri...