
Showing posts from 2015

Social Engagement - Towards a Better Future with IQ 70 Plus

Being rejected by Asrama Darul Falah (PERKIM), our initial collaboration NGO is a disappointing news for me and my group, but because of this we are able to form collaboration with Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Terencat Akal Malaysia (IQ 70 Plus), our final collaboration NGO. My name is Chin Yi Xuan, group leader (Group 4) of Social Engagement subject under Mr. Mohamad Yusoff Sanusi. Under this subject, our group will need to achieve a total of 36 hours of social engaging initiative. Below are the brief details of the project: Date: 4/5/2015 (Monday) - Preparation, 5/5/2015 (Tuesday) - Charity Fundraising Sales, 10/5/2015 (Sunday) - Visit to IQ 70 Plus. NGO: Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Terencat Akal Malaysia (IQ 70 Plus) [No.118, Jalan Gasing, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor] Fundraising method: Biscuits sales IQ 70 Plus is a home that take care of kids and individuals with down syndrome, and is established since 2012, currently operating with an expenses ...

Xuan Thought - 4 Things to Be Aware of In Your Early 20s

Hey there! It has been some time since I last updated my blog, mainly due to the hectic life in UM. Nevertheless, being officially 20 in 2014, there are some big (and tiny) things that I think a small number of people of the same age around me are aware of, while a big number of youth in their early 20s are lack of.  #1 - Directions in Life Very commonly heard among the youth in their early 20s when asked about what do they want in their life "I also dunno what I want oh (Malaysia slang)". There is a saying: without a direction, wherever you go, might be as well be pointless. Well, that is pretty true in fact, because if you are in your early 20s and you are living a life for the sake of living it, you definitely need to sit down and start to rethink your life.  What do you want to achieve in the near 5-10 years? It can be from as simple as being happy to as hard as to be an successful entrepreneur, or even to date the particular lady/guy. Get up from the god dam...