Xuan Thought - 4 Things to Be Aware of In Your Early 20s
Hey there! It has been some time since I last updated my blog, mainly due to the hectic life in UM. Nevertheless, being officially 20 in 2014, there are some big (and tiny) things that I think a small number of people of the same age around me are aware of, while a big number of youth in their early 20s are lack of. #1 - Directions in Life Very commonly heard among the youth in their early 20s when asked about what do they want in their life "I also dunno what I want oh (Malaysia slang)". There is a saying: without a direction, wherever you go, might be as well be pointless. Well, that is pretty true in fact, because if you are in your early 20s and you are living a life for the sake of living it, you definitely need to sit down and start to rethink your life. What do you want to achieve in the near 5-10 years? It can be from as simple as being happy to as hard as to be an successful entrepreneur, or even to date the particular lady/guy. Get up from the god dam...