STPM Baharu: Why Should and Why Shouldn't You Choose Form 6.

This is a short article that writes about whether you should choose Form 6 as a Pre-U or whether Form 6 is suitable for you. Ultimately, this is my personal preference and the decision is definitely up to you yourself.

Why Form 6?

  • Doing STPM is definitely one of the most financial-friendly Pre-U that you can find in Malaysia. Not only it saves a lot when you are in Pre-U, it'll further saves more when you proceed to a public university for your degree study. A random degree in private universities would have cost you RM60,000 to RM200,000 but even the most expensive degree in local public university is just roughly RM13,000 (as of year 2011/12). Yeah I believe you can do some simple calculation and find out how much you can save.
  • Doing Form 6 means you'll spend another 1.5 years in a secondary school, but you are doing your Pre-U. Well, some actually dislike the idea of getting back to school for Pre-U but hey it is actually kinda fun! Trust me, everything will definitely be different when you are doing Form 6, for my school, Form 6 students get to study in a different block and the size of a class of Form 6 is smaller so you get to be close with your classmates. 
  • You are lazy to pick what to wear. Yeah this is kinda lame but this is true, studying Form 6 means you'll have no fuss choosing what to wear everyday.
  • You are up for a 18 months challenge. If you are eager to learn more, Form 6's syllabus is definitely worth considering.
  • You have no idea what to do in the future. If this is the case, Form 6 is surely the choice for you. 18 months of Form 6, you'll definitely have the time to think about what to do in your future.
  • You do not want to be bind with scholarships. Studying in Form 6 means you're free from the stress of maintaining a scholarship. Personally, I do not like to have additional fuss in my studies to maintain a scholarship. Maintaining the requirement of a scholarship is just not my style. 

Why You Shouldn't Choose  Form 6?
  • I'll be honest, if you really sucks in your stress and time management, don't waste your time doing Form 6. To be excel in Form 6 (or even just surviving it) requires steer determination and perseverance. I've friends that leave Form 6 halfway because they cannot accept their results or simply because they could not stand it. So, know your ability and choose wisely. 
  • You are up to a more flexible lifestyle. For sure, life in Form 6 can be hectic and packed. The routine can be even just 'study-eat-homework-sleep' and you are already out of energy to go out and have fun. There're time in Form 6 where being able to have enough sleep is a luxury. My experience was whenever I have questions in Account, I'll only able to sleep after 1am. Form 6 life is not as flexible as compared to the other Pre-Us out there, and with this it means less entertainment (cinema, karaoke etc etc).
  • You want to come out and work in the society ASAP. Form 6 is a 18 months Pre-U and it starts on April/May every year. Considering its longer period of study compared to most of the Pre-U out there, the whole studying progress will definitely be slower compared to the peers of other Pre-Us.
  • You have decided what to do in your future (and there're non of the subjects in Form 6 that are related to them). As an example, if you are interested in culinary arts/ interior designs/ bakery, Form 6 is definitely not your choice anymore. Don't waste your time or make yourself unhappy by getting into the wrong Pre-U. You might regret wasting 18 months in a Pre-U that'll not contribute to your ambition.
In the Nutshell....

In the end, I've a thought that I'll need to share: Many ought to go for Pre-U in private institutions because they wanted to have an exiting and fun college life, but ended up stressing themselves to maintain the scholarship they've received. On the other hand, Form 6 seems to be boring and tough, but somehow me and my friends are able to have fun despite all the tough factors that people mentioned and feared.

So this is it, my article to why you should choose Form 6 and why you should not choose Form 6. I hope this will help you in choosing your Pre-U and will lead you to a successful future! 

 If you want to know more about STPM Baharu, check out my full in depth introduction on STPM Baharu here! (

Choose the right Pre-U, and have tonnes of fun! 


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