Rayuan, Explained!

UPU results are out a few hours back and some are happy with the outcome. To the less fortunate friends that did not get any UPU offer, appealing (rayuan) is the way for you to get a place in local public universities. 


Info-to-know before appealing :
  • E-Rayuan effective date is from 12/8/2014 onwards to 22/8/2014 (11:59pm)
  • Applicant DOES NOT NEED to purchase ID number from BSN in order to appeal. 
  • Only those that did not get any offer from UPU can appeal, while those who are not satisfied with UPU's offer CANNOT appeal through this method.
  • Website : (UPU) https://online.moe.gov.my/upu/onlineupu/frayuan/ipta/index.php

Appealed results will be out by the third week of September. Yes, this by any chance means that those who succeed in appealing will enter public university later than their peers. Hence, in the meantime while waiting for the outcome, I strongly suggest friends in this situation to look for private university first, and only decide to leave for local public university or not when succeed upon appealing.

What if my appeal failed and I still hope to enter public university? In this condition, you might need to contact the department of the particular university of your choice to inquire for any available slots. If you are lucky enough there might be a chance because some department tend to have some extra slots left after all the student intake (yes, even after appealing results are out). 

What if I am not satisfied with the UPU's offer? Since you cannot make any appeal through E-Rayuan, you can contact the particular university's student department to get sort of a transfer form and after you fill it up they will send it to the dean and you might be asked for an interview session. Getting through all this, you might stand a chance to change your course. 

There are a lot more tiny information in this issue, but I have pointed out some important ones that most of you want to know. To check out more, visit this site called QuanSheng (http://www.quansheng.org/) as there are a lot more detailed explanations on appealing and even details on many other topics! 

Hope this help, and for those who get their ideal course and university placement, congrats and all the best in your future! 


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